New Years Haiti Trip

New Years Haiti Trip

(from my old blog- but I wanted to save it!)

On the first full day of my 3rd trip to Haiti, I looked at my travel companions and said, “Maybe my years of taking these trips are done.”

I felt terrible that day, so I blame my statement on that. The reality is, I just couldn’t seem to focus on the present, because I was still thinking on all thethings. On January 1st, I was ready for normalcy of some sort, and a trip to Haiti did not fit into that.

By the end of the second day I was back in the game thanks to some sleep, prayer, fresh air, and time. Basically it took a full day for me to chill out internally.

This was my favorite trip to Haiti yet. No matter how hot, sweaty, tired, or sore we got during the day, the nights ended the same. Some people playing games, and others laying in a field staring at the sky. Everyone pointing out the constellations, and me, trying my darnedest before finally just proclaiming “yes, I see it” even though I didn’t.

The best night was the one we stayed out long enough for the generators to shut off. To be staring at what already seems like a pitch black sky with the brightest stars the moment the electricity cuts off, is amazing. Dark to darkest. Bright to brightest.

The community we worked with was impacted by Hurricane Matthew and the people areworking hard to help each other rebuild. Money is being committed to build 30+ homes in this community. Homes that can handle storms better. I can’t wait to see how they’ll thrive in the years to come, and I’d love to be a part of it.

We held a soccer tournament during our time there. Several Haitian teams, and one U.S. team. I loved seeing how seriously the kids took it. How much pride they took in winning, and how much joy they got from the prizes.

What I want people to know about Haiti is that it’s beautiful. The people are grateful, the children are joyful, and if you ever get the chance to travel there with a group of almost- strangers, go for it.